Friday, March 31, 2017

Blogging for Books: The Acid Watcher Diet

The Acid Watcher Diet by Jonathan Aviv is a user friendly guide about the effects and treatment of acid reflux through diet modifications. The book starts by outlining what acid reflux is and the signs/symptoms to recognize that you have it as well as what the physical ramifications are of leaving it untreated. Aviv also discusses the different procedures that are available to confirm and diagnose it.

He then moves into the role of food in causing acid reflux and the different role of macronutrients in a balanced diet. He includes a handy chart for determining the different pHs of common foods and how they can be utilized to reduce inflammation in combination to the decisions that we make from day to day. This includes reducing particular behaviors that induce acid production, such as stress.

All of this information is followed by an easy to follow guide for a 28 day routine that is phased out into Healing and Maintenance as well as an exercise routine to support reaching a healthy weight as well as not aggravating the condition. The recipes included are easy to follow and most of the ingredients can be gathered at your average grocery store. This book is a good beginners guide or worth looking into for anyone battling acid reflux. 

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